Saturday 3 March 2012

January part II

I'm so far behind! It's already march and I'm still writing about january...
Do you mind if I just give you some headlines about what happened next, so that I can continue writing about everyday things again?

Mid January we had our Koinonia weekend away in Buckden Towers. The theme was 'JOY'. Joy being more than a feeling. Joy coming from ONE source. Joy being something you will not find if that is the only thing you're looking for. Joy relating to Hope.
We were around 40 people, koinonia students, foreign gappers and staff included.

After that weekend we stayed for a couple of days for the GAP retreat. All the European gappers in one castle. Thinking and praying about the future, looking forward. A lot of good things came up for me. And some great star-thoughts stayed. A time I will not quickly forget. A question came up though: How is it possible to be an active member of a community, maybe have a career, have a family, have a good prayer life, keep your friends and still be a good person with enough energy to look out for the needs of the people around you? If you have a practical and concrete answer, please let me know! You'll be a lifesaver :)

Back in London I had a nice time with Clare D. One thing that will stay with me is when we were in Westfield, by far the biggest and poshest shopping centre I have every seen, sitting on one of those leather benches, praying and reading our bibles. How often do you meet a friend you get to do that with?

However nice all these things where, January was a difficult time for me. I guess after 5 months of running from one good thing to another, at some point the energy bar starts to look red. Luckily I have some very good leaders here who took care of it very well. February onwards things started to get better and I believe I learnt a lot about managing energy levels in a responsible way. One more thing to take back home in July!

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