Friday 3 February 2012

January update part I

January 2012... 2012, twelve years ago I started highschool. I was 12, 12 years ago :)

New years eve...
So as the sneek preview showed, This year started with a BANG.
We celebrated the new year with the mens household and a few other guests.
Great people, great time.

Aline goes London
Aline, thanks for coming! We had a great time rangeing from a scary and unexpectedly long nightwalk towards the Tower Bridge to a lovely boatride to Greenwich. 
By the way, that nightwalk was the best one I've had so far this year!
One day I'll find out what that weird tunnel was :)
( Zijn uw foto's gelukt? )

Gapper invasion
Two weeks ago we had some of the european Gappers join us for a week. (2 of them gapping in Dublin, 1 in Scotland and Clare D., who is not really a gapper, but who was more than welcome :) )
It was interesting to see how their Gap-schedule differs from ours. And I had not met most of them before, so it was a pleasure meeting those great ladies here!

Ok, I have to go get ready for an evening at the Potters. Looking forward to some time with my 'hostfamily' here! More january stories later... :)


  1. Marie-Sophie! that was an amazing firework show! you are doing some amazing work in London teaching students about Christ. It was so fun to read your blog!

    This is Heidi Olsen from America, I am visiting your grandmother in Holland right now and she told me all about what you are doing :)

  2. Dag Marie-Sophie,
    Je hebt het commentaar van Heidi ontvangen. Gisteren kwam ze hier toe. Ze blijft een week. Ze heeft met interesse je blog gelezen. Ik weet niet wat ze ervan denkt. Zijzelf is twee jaar in China gaan evangeliseren als Mormoonse. Nu werkt ze aan de universiteit als secretaresse, denk ik.
    Ik heb al een paar keer geprobeerd te skypen, maarje bent er niet dikwijls, denk ik, en ik ook niet.In elk geval nu kan ik een commentaar geven op je blog.
    Veel lieve groetje en een dikke kus van
    God zegene je.
