December was a weird month.
A lot of things happened.
Let's check the google calendar...
The month started with Kim and Elisabeth coming over, a thanksgiving meal and a 'power-weekend' (about the Holy Spirit, gifts and fruits) - en goed begonnen is half gewonnen! -
The next week was the 'bless your uni' week, where some christian groups in UCL (university) worked together to be a loving witness to students. We handed out gloves and hot drinks and it was highly appreciated.
And we went to the 'fusion'-day. (more info in one of the previous posts)
+ The Kew garden trip.
A great week!

and The Muppet Christmas Carol
The 3th week: We moved in into the house of one of the families here. They were on holidays and let us use their place. It was such a grace to be able to live in such a beautiful house for a while. HOLIDAYS started on thursday. And we had a fantastic christmas dinner with the team. PM and Joe made us an impressive meal with brussels sprouts that I actually did not dislike. Good job!
On christmas day we were invited at the Potters. A great family who take very good care of us :)
I went to my first real midnight mass. (for as far as I can remember)
And christmas day was at Mimi and Tim Turners place. Very nice, english, relaxed and fun day!
The last week we visited Brighton for a day. And Pevensey castle. It was one of the best days soo far. The sea was beautiful, we had nice compagny and it was soo good to be out for some time!
The 31st we moved back to our own little household and we had a nice dinner at the mens household with a few other guests. Later on we walked to the london eye and waited...
Little sneek preview of January:
It was definitely worth the waiting!
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