Tuesday 20 September 2011

Community Weekend

This weekend was our community weekend. A very good way to meet everybody, get to know names and get the connections between the kids, parents, spouses etc.
The nicest part was the ceilidh (Scottish country dancing), where I got to dance with 1/2 of the community :) Nice way to break the ice...
I did not take any pictures there, but I hope to find some to show you soon. It was a 'stunning' place (to copy Julia's words).

Here are some other pictures of the last week.
in our office
MS - Joe - PM

people working... :)
Julia - PM - Camille

Going out with our (extended) team 
MS - Camille :) - Mark - Katie - Julia - PM 
(+ Joe who was taking the picture)

and my two housemates and fellow GAP-ers
Julia - Camille

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