Adelante as a preparation time for this GAP-year...

Just back from an overwhelming experience.
What a week!
Very challenging, but eye-opening time.
400 young men/women coming together to deepen their relationship with the Lord.
Here is a little random taste of Adelante in a Spanish newspaper:
Thanks to everybody who made this happen. And especially to the 'mysterious donor'. I hope this message will reach you one way or another :)
Later on I spent two days in Madrid, enjoying the sight of the World Youth Days.
Madrid is crazy at the moment. Streets are filled with people wearing very colourful t-shirts and hats. It's 38°C in the shadow and melting in the sun. Flags are filling the horizon. Really! I'm not even close to exaggerating :)
An amazing witness! We are not standing on our own...
Opening Mass shot
Now I'm back in Belgium where we had to stop the car driving home today since we couldn't see anything because of the heavy rainstorm... :) I will miss you, Belgium!
Marie-Sophie! Your news here sounds great & encouraging :D It seems like you will have an amazing experience this year! Keep blogging, I look forward to reading your updates! Many Blessings, Maha