Monday 4 June 2012

April - Easter

Easter was crazy... good crazy...

Noémie Tilmanne (some of you might know her) was here during eastertime. Noémie is studying in England and heard about me living in London, so she came down to visit.
It was great to see her again after so many years and to chat about when we were younger.

So back to Easter.
The day before Easter, some Christians celebrate a Seder meal.
It goes back to the Jewish passover meal, with her traditions.
Wikipedia says:
The main Christian view is that the Passover, as observed by ancient Israel as well as Jews today, was a type of the true Passover Sacrifice of God that was to be made by Jesus. The Israelites' Passover observance was the commemoration of their physical deliverance from bondage in Egypt, whereas Passover represents for most Christians a spiritual deliverance from the slavery of sin (John 8:34) and, since Jesus' death, a memorial of the sacrifice that Jesus has made for mankind.
So we went to one of the young families here and had a great time. It was nice to prepare Easter in this way.

After the meal we left for the Easter vigil that would last all night. 
It was done in the neocatechumenal tradition. 
A very deep and beautiful service with 7 baptisms in a pool built in the church. 
see the cross-shaped blue thing? That's the pool.
It's amazing how quickly time passed, because before we realised it, it was 6AM.

Back in Acton we had breakfast at Bob Bell's. Went home to get some sleep (which was very much needed!) And came back to Bob's where an amazing dinner was waiting for us.
24 crazy but beautiful hours. It was a great opportunity to live Easter in different traditions.
I am very grateful for this time.

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