Thursday 12 April 2012


End of march, Claire came to London.
How great is it to have some quality time with the sister you haven't seen in months?!
It was an honour, Claire, thanks!

The weather was beautiful, so we trotted through London for a few days.
It's in moments like this that I feel I get to know London. Shaftesbury Avenue, Sharing Cross road, Victoria station, national gallery on your right, st. Martin in the field behind you, Big Ben somewhere on your left, and here you see the countdown for the Olympics, careful cars come from this side here, it's a red light, but we don't care...
I love it! Hopefully, now the weather is getting better, we [read: us gappers] will get to know our city even better :)

PS1: Claire, I love you :)
PS2. I'm starting to realise how I have no clue when I'm speaking/writing American english and when Brittish english... I guess honour is British? 

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